When A Man Is Not Afraid Of Losing You: He Does These 8 Things

When you finally find love, you’ll definitely want to hold on to it.

At least, I would.

And sincerely, I would be afraid to lose it.

I know that one of the things women complain about is how sometimes it is hard to tell a man’s feelings.

I am a man, and I can tell you for sure that most men wear their emotions on their sleeves.

While expressing them in words may be challenging for some, their actions always speak louder than words.

When a man is not afraid of losing you, his behaviors can reveal a lot about his feelings and intentions even when he doesn’t say anything.

Why doesn’t he just say something about how he feels?

You may be wondering.

Well, people have different reasons for doing this.

However, the fact remains that whatever plans he has for you are definitely for his benefit alone.

You need to be able to identify the warning signs before you get to the point that you are too entangled in the relationship and leaving could cause you so much pain.

In this article, we will help you identify the warning signs by exploring what a man does when he is not afraid of losing you.

When A Man Is Not Afraid Of Losing You: He Does These 8 Things

Before we get started, I need to clarify something.

“Afraid” in this context doesn’t mean being panicky or paranoid about losing someone.

In the context of this article, it refers to the state of caring about something.

So, this article will basically be exploring the things a man does when he doesn’t care about losing you.

Let’s get started…

1. He is complacent

when a man is not afraid of losing you: he does these things

A relationship with a complacent partner can be so annoying.

It feels like you are doing all the work, and they are doing nothing except being a burden to you.

You may be experiencing this and still be ready to make excuses for your man.

“Ooh, it’s his first relationship; he doesn’t know how to treat women.”

“He didn’t call or pick up my calls because he is tired from all the work he has done.”

While these excuses may be correct if they only happen occasionally, a man who doesn’t care about losing you will do these things frequently.

I used to have a friend who was a playboy.

He would see a new girl that catches his fancy and pursue her with all his strength.

If she plays hard to get, it even makes it more fun for him.

He liked a challenge.

He would keep being romantic and nice with gestures like morning texts, ordering lunch for her, and inviting her on dates until he finally got what he wanted, and she was head over heels in love with him.

The nice gestures end here.

He starts treating her like he doesn’t care about her, and she would be confused because he has already convinced her that he is in love with her.

If a man who used to invest so much effort into the relationship stops doing so, it could be a sign that he is not afraid of losing you.

When a man is unafraid of losing you, he becomes too comfortable in the relationship.

He does the barest minimum to keep the relationship moving.

The sweet gestures, thoughtful surprises, and romantic dates all become things of the past.

This is because he assumes that you will always be there until he doesn’t need you anymore.

So, he just stops going the extra mile.

2. He takes you for granted

In relationships, mutual respect is required for success.

When a man respects his woman, it is a sign of how much he values her and the relationship.

However, when a man is not afraid of losing you, he starts taking you for granted.

Nigerians call this “see finish”.

He no longer seems to value your opinions or invite your participation in decision-making.

In fact, he stops being appreciative of those little things you do in the relationship.

He fails to acknowledge your efforts because, at that point, he no longer cares about losing you.

If you are feeling undervalued and unimportant in your relationship, it could be a sign that your man is not afraid of losing you.

Hence, he is taking you for granted.

This can be a tough spot to find yourself in, and it could leave you questioning whether you are doing enough.

In fact, this is what pushes a lot of people into overcompensating in relationships.

Don’t fall into this trap.

3. He no longer communicates well

when a man is not afraid of losing you: he does these things

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any relationship.

Effective communication simply involves actively listening to understand and communicating honestly with your partner.

One of the things that made relationships very attractive to me as a kid was the connection between the couples I saw around me.

Their connection was usually undeniable.

Even when they were talking about general topics, you’d just know that these people knew themselves very intimately.

I wanted that for myself.

And I finally got it in my last relationship until I stopped caring about losing her.

At that point, I had gotten so familiar with her that it felt like she’d always be there.

While I wasn’t actually tired of the relationship, I started withdrawing from her unconsciously.

After a long day, she’d call me, and I would tell her I was too tired to talk.

Communication between us became very infrequent, and when we did talk, it felt like the life had gone out of our conversations.

We were no longer connecting.

It was more like two people shooting the breeze about unserious topics.

When the conversations got serious, it was strained at best.

If a man starts to withdraw and stops sharing his thoughts, feelings, and plans with you, it could indicate that he’s not worried about losing you.

4. He doesn’t speak about the future

When a man values his relationship, he will talk about the future and make plans that include you.

The future is often a topic that excites a man who truly values his relationship.

If there are no talks about the future, it is a sign that your relationship is not going anywhere.

I know you may have been in a relationship for years, but if there are no plans for the future, you are just passing time in the relationship.

When a man is not afraid of losing you, he avoids making any long-term commitments to you.

He doesn’t speak about the future and even avoids any conversation related to the future that you may bring up.

5. He flirts with other girls in your presence

when a man is not afraid of losing you: he does these things

I know that there’s something people call harmless flirting.

Well, I don’t believe that flirting is harmless when done by someone already in a relationship.

One of the most obvious signs that a man isn’t afraid of losing you is that he is openly flirtatious with other girls.

He doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he is flirting with other girls.

This is because he doesn’t really care about losing you.

I have seen some guys even take it to the extreme and openly cheat on their women without showing much signs of remorse.

One time, a female friend narrated her ordeal with her ex.

She told me that she was so “in love” with this guy that she knew he was cheating and still begged to remain his girlfriend.

All she wanted was the assurance that she was the main girlfriend.

She didn’t get that, and the relationship soon collapsed despite how much she clung to it.

Well, I told her that she wasn’t in love.

She was obsessed with the guy, and that was very unhealthy.

Then, I also had to tell her that while the guy disrespected her and didn’t value the relationship, her response made it obvious that she also didn’t value herself.

If this is happening to you, it’s up to you to know when and how to walk away.

You may be hurt but you will have left with your dignity intact.

6. He makes you feel insecure

when a man is not afraid of losing you: he does these things

When a man is afraid to lose you, every action he takes will make you feel secure in the relationship because he is deeply committed to it.

However, if your man’s actions make you feel insecure in the relationship, it could be a sign that he is not afraid of losing you.

He frequently makes you feel insecure through his words and actions.

He sidelines you and makes you feel unimportant and unnecessarily needy when you complain.

I once told my friend that if her boyfriend actually seems to go out of his way to make her feel insecure, it is a sign he doesn’t care about losing her.

Long intimate calls with females right in front of you, flirting, and even actually cheating are all actions aimed at making you feel insecure.

You shouldn’t be in a relationship with someone who intentionally makes you insecure.

Run for your life!

7. He never compromises

You know the way things are on social media.

Trends come and go.

There was a time when the trend was for guys to claim to be alpha males who don’t bow to the wiles of females.

Alpha males love to be dominant in relationships.

However, even alpha males know that compromises are necessary in relationships, especially when they are in love.

When a guy never compromises on anything, that’s not alpha male behavior.

That’s the behavior of a man who is not afraid of losing you.

To be honest, any self-respecting woman would recognize this trait as toxic and exit the relationship.

A man who loves and values you will not always insist on having his way in the relationship.

8. He rarely spends quality time with you

when a man is not afraid of losing you: he does these things

When a man is not afraid of losing you, he rarely spends quality time with you.

When you attempt to spend time with him, he may refer to you as clingy and insecure.

He may even mention how busy he is with work and life.

And you may actually believe it.

I used to believe that people could be so busy that they won’t spend quality time with people they love.

Now, I know better.

When you truly love someone, you will make time for them.

There are times when your schedule is really tight, but even in those periods, you’d still make time for your partner.

It won’t be easy, but love and relationships have never been easy.

If you’ve checked a few signs off this list, you’re most likely in a relationship with a man who is unafraid of losing you.

Recognizing this can be hard, especially if you are completely invested in the relationship.

However, it is better to address these behaviors immediately.

If he’s not afraid of losing you, it might be time to reassess the relationship and consider what’s best for your emotional well-being.

After all, you deserve to be in a relationship where you are valued.

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