If A Man Is Afraid Of Losing You He Will Always Do These 9 Things

When I was younger, I thought that it wasn’t right to be afraid of losing a woman.

Apart from the fact that it seemed the opposite of what a man should do, it felt quite desperate.

Now, I have a different opinion.

I still think that some people have this extreme fear of losing their partners that makes them do irrational things out of desperation.

That fear is borne out of insecurity and shouldn’t be seen in a healthy relationship.

However, when you experience something as precious as love, you will understand the reluctance to lose it.

When a man truly cares about you to the point that he doesn’t want to lose you because he values your relationship, he may not express this verbally.

Rather, his actions speak volumes about his feelings.

Let us examine some telltale behaviors of a man afraid of losing you.

If A Man Is Afraid of Losing You He Will Always Do These 9 Things

1. He communicates frequently

If a Man Is Afraid of Losing You, He Will Always do these things

When a man is afraid of losing you, he realizes the importance of communication.

Communication is important in relationships, and when you are in a relationship with someone who values you, he will want to communicate with you frequently.

Now, don’t get me wrong; frequent communication doesn’t precisely mean blowing up your phone.

It doesn’t mean leaving twelve missed calls when two would have been enough to show he tried to reach you.

It doesn’t mean frantically calling you every hour of the day because he doesn’t trust you and wants to confirm that you are where you said you would be.

All of these are just the paranoid actions of an insecure man.

If any man does all of these, he is insecure.

Now that we have specified what frequent communication isn’t let’s talk about what it is.

A man who values his relationship with you will check in regularly, especially when you are far apart.

He doesn’t do this because he doesn’t trust you.

Instead, he does this because he misses you and values your company.

He communicates openly and honestly, sharing his thoughts and opinions with you.

This is not all he does.

He also listens actively to what you have to say.

He communicates frequently because he wants to know more about you.

He wants to understand you.

He wants to know how you spent your day.

Lastly, he does this because he values speaking to you so much.

This sort of communication is not just the meaningless banter some people engage in.

Rather, it involves meaningful conversations that strengthen the bond in the relationship.

Of course, there should be room for playful banter in your communication.

Don’t think I am against it.

After all, it’s a relationship, not a boardroom meeting.

2. He spends quality time with you

If a Man Is Afraid of Losing You, He Will Always do these things

Spending quality time with someone you love is not difficult.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

There are times when you may be so busy that you hardly have time for yourself.

That’s true.

But this shouldn’t happen all the time.

If you are always so busy that you rarely spend time with the person you claim to love, it is a sign that you are really not serious about the relationship.

If your man spends quality time with you and wants to hang out with you often, it is a sign that he values the relationship so much and is afraid of losing you.

Guys usually have this preference for hanging out with other guys.

I am a guy, and I understand this feeling.

The fun and excitement when guys hang out is out of this world.

Video games, football games or other sports, paintballing, or just hanging out and shooting the breeze—males love to do a variety of things together.

So, when a guy picks hanging out with you over hanging out with his “bros,” it is a sign that he really values you.

He wants to keep building the relationship and knows that quality time together will help strengthen the bond.

So, when a man spends quality time with you every chance he gets, it is his way of saying, “You’re so precious to me, I don’t even think about losing you.”

3. He resolves conflicts constructively

If a Man Is Afraid of Losing You, He Will Always do these things

One time, a female friend was struggling to hold on to a relationship with a guy who had already checked out of the relationship even though he hadn’t verbally ended the relationship.

They fought over the silliest things, and he would intentionally get into a fight with her so he could use it as an excuse to end things.

I remember telling her she was doing too much; she was apologizing for real and imagined offenses.

She even apologized in advance.

I told her the guy was looking for a way out of the relationship but was too much of a coward to end things himself.

Finally, she couldn’t take the drama anymore and ended the relationship.

Now, my point is that a major way to discover if a man who is afraid to lose you is to look at how he handles conflicts.

Is he the type that remains angry until you apologize to him, even when you are not at fault?

Does he insist on having his way all the time in the relationship?

If he does these things, it is a sign that he doesn’t care about losing you.

A man who is afraid of losing you will approach conflicts with the intent of resolving matters amicably.

He tries to understand what you are saying and explains his standpoint.

He doesn’t want to win or prove that he is right.

Rather, he just wants peace to reign in the relationship.

Now, this doesn’t mean he is a pushover.

He wouldn’t hesitate to correct you when you are doing something wrong.

But he will do it in a constructive manner.

4. He plans for the future

Want to know a sign he is afraid of losing you?

He plans for the future.

Seeing how much he values you, he doesn’t want to lose you.

So, he plans for the future with you.

I am a Nigerian, and many Nigerian ladies usually face a lot of pressure to get married once they are in their late twenties.

I have heard many guys complain about how their girlfriends ditched them for guys who were prepared to marry them soon.

This can be very heartbreaking; however, I feel like many of the ladies actually left the relationship because their boyfriends were not making any plans for the future.

You can’t just keep a lady hooked in a relationship for a long period of time without making plans to marry her.

That is a waste of her time.

Here’s how you know a man who is afraid of losing you.

He makes his intentions known to you from the start.

He is not in the relationship because he needs a girlfriend or because he is oppressed by the lovebirds around him.

He is with you because he sees a future with you.

He talks about the future with you, making plans, discussing dreams, and generally envisioning a life together.

Guys get into relationships for many reasons, but when a guy starts planning for the future with you, it is a sign that he is afraid of losing you.

5. He supports your dreams

One of the benefits of friendships and relationships is the support system they provide.

When you meet a man who values you so much that he doesn’t want to lose you, he will support your dreams.

This is not just because he feels like that’s what a good partner is supposed to do but because he values you so much.

He believes your dreams are valuable and is ready to support you in achieving them.

He is your biggest cheerleader in your journey to achieving your goals.

He’ll encourage your ambitions and celebrate your successes like they are his.

Whenever you experience setbacks, he will stand by you through it all.

By supporting you through the good and bad times, he is trying to reassure you that he will be right beside you through it all.

My friend is getting married soon to a guy who has loved her for most of his life.

The weird thing is she actually refused to date him more than once in the past.

But he was steadfast through it all.

Supported her in her worst moments and cheered the most for her in her shiniest moments…

Now, he is getting his bride against all odds.

I really hope they enjoy a blissful union.

6. He gives you gifts frequently

If a Man Is Afraid of Losing You, He Will Always do these things

I have seen people say, “My boyfriend’s love language is not giving gifts,” to justify not receiving gifts from him at all.

That’s an error.

Love languages are meant to be the primary way a person expresses love and not the only way.

So, my love could be acts of service, but this doesn’t stop me from giving gifts to people I love.

If your boyfriend doesn’t give you gifts from time to time, it is a sign that something is wrong.

By gifts, I mean little thoughtful gifts like trinkets, cards, or books that remind him of you.

It doesn’t have to be a car, a house, a private jet, or a yacht.

The little things also matter.

If your boyfriend frequently gives you gifts on random days, it could be a sign that he is afraid of losing you.

He just wants you to be happy and goes out of his way to make you feel this way.

These special gestures are demonstrations of the special place you hold in his heart.

7. He gets jealous sometimes

A little bit of jealousy is good in a relationship.

It is a sign that you are valued in your relationship.

You must note the words “a little bit of jealousy.”

This is key because when a man gets jealous every time he sees his girlfriend interacting with another man, he is going overboard.

How can a normal person think everyone wants to steal his girl?

No offense to One Direction; I actually loved their “Everybody wanna steal my girl” song.

Extreme jealousy does no good to your relationship.

Rather, it creates a toxic environment.

However, if your man gets jealous of the men around you sometimes, it may be a sign that he is afraid of losing you.

He considers the men as competitors for your attention and acts possessively to discourage them from making any moves.

This is not an excuse for the extreme insecurity of some men.

Some men are just extremely insecure, and they will be jealous of any male who comes around them.

In the face of such intense jealousy, you need to be cautious.

In my experience, men who get irrationally jealous are also susceptible to flying into blind rages and physically abusing their partners.

8. He tells the world you are his

If a Man Is Afraid of Losing You, He Will Always do these things

Sometimes, guys tell ladies that they want to keep their relationship private.

Well, I am not passing any judgment on them.

They may have valid reasons for this decision.

But when a man really wants to be with you, he wants the world to know that he is with you.

He doesn’t struggle with the idea of putting a label on the relationship.

He wants the whole world to know you are his girl because he is proud to have you in his life.

He wants to show you off to the world.

He introduces you to his friends and family as a sign that he truly values and won’t want to lose his relationship with you.

9. He tells you how much he values you

While most men have trouble expressing their feelings verbally, this is also a viable sign a guy values you.

When a man is afraid to lose you, he lets you know.

He may not directly tell you he is afraid to lose you, but he may do it by saying things like “You are my world” or “I don’t know what I would do without you in my life.”

When a man says these things to you, he is trying to pass two messages across to you.

The first is that he loves and values you.

The second is that he has thought about what life would be like without you by his side, and the truth is that he dreads it.

When a man tells you that you mean the world to him, it may be a sign that he doesn’t want to even think about losing you.

Here are the things a man does in a relationship when he is afraid of losing you.

If you are seeing the signs in your relationship, congratulations, you are truly valued in your relationship!

When a man is afraid of losing you, his actions will consistently show his dedication and love.

These actions are not just about the fear of losing you alone but about valuing and cherishing the relationship you share.





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