Marriage is beautiful.
I do not think I will ever get tired of saying this.
So many factors keep a marriage beautiful and healthy, without which it will simply be a mere partnership between two people.
One of these critical factors is sexual attraction.
Sexual intimacy, a vital part of a healthy marriage, will not be passionate if sexual attraction has become weak or non-existent.
Whether as newlyweds or couples who have been married for years, you should never take a healthy sexual relationship for granted.
As married women, we may sometimes wonder if the effect we used to have on our husbands pre-marriage and during the early days of marriage is still as strong as ever.
This happens especially if we have gone through some possible life issues like marital squabbles, body changes due to pregnancy and childbearing, and even some unforeseen not-so-pleasant experiences that life brings our way.
How can you tell if your husband is sexually attracted to you?
9 Signs Your Husband is Sexually Attracted To You
1. He compliments you often
As ladies, we tend to enjoy hearing our husbands say beautiful things about us to our hearing.
If your husband is in the habit of complimenting your looks without prompting, he does not regard you as a roommate or just a partner.
He regards you as his lover and cannot but notice your good looks, admirable actions, and moves.
It’s not enough to notice; he also cannot keep his thoughts to himself.
He likes to voice them out so they can bring a smile to your face.
If your husband does this, it is a sign that he is sexually attracted to you.
2. He wants and looks forward to time alone with you
If your husband looks forward to private and intimate moments with you, it’s a sign that he is sexually attracted to you.
He wants to spend time and more time with you.
He enjoys sharing the same space with you indoors and outdoors.
When he has to be away from you, he exhibits signs that he misses you and anticipates reuniting with you.
He also occasionally takes you out on romantic dates, just so you two can be alone, away from any form of interference or third party.
3. He can’t keep his hands off you
Oh! There’s so much that physical touch does in a marriage.
He doesn’t wait till it’s time for sex before touching you.
If your husband is touchy-feely with you, it’s a great sign that he is sexually attracted to you.
I always look forward to the warm hugs from behind while I am busy doing the dishes in the kitchen and the light spanks on my behind each time he passes me by.
It’s a great reassurance for me.
If he cuddles you in bed without begging, he fiddles with your hair while speaking.
He finds you cuddly and cozy, which is a good sign.
4. He gifts you lingerie and sexy gifts
Tell me, which man doesn’t look forward to seeing his woman scantily dressed just for him?
It’s a known truth that men are moved by what they see.
If your husband occasionally comes home bearing gifts that are designed to gratify his eyes and turn him on, this is an obvious sign that he is still smitten by you.
If you wear these wears or are naked, he reacts as one’s lover should, then you know he is sexually attracted to you.
5. He initiates sex
I don’t mean to say that you, as the woman should not initiate sex. You are strongly advised to.
However, if you are the major sex initiator in your marriage, that’s not a good sign.
If your husband does not always wait for you to sound the alarm for lovemaking, it is a sure sign that he is still deeply into you.
Also, when you initiate sex, is he excited, or does he grudgingly oblige you? If the former is the case, it’s a great sign that he finds you alluring.
Even if he couldn’t oblige you for reasons beyond him(as this is not impossible in marriages), does he gladly make it up to you?
6. He takes time to pleasure you during sex
In a healthy sexual relationship, mutual sexual satisfaction is not taken for granted.
If your husband is concerned about your sexual fulfillment as well as he is concerned about his, this is an obvious sign that you are not just a sex object to him.
Your being sexually attractive to him does not mean you are a mere tool for self-gratification.
Lovemaking with him won’t be mechanical.
He takes his time to adore, praise, and explore your body features in the most sensual way.
He gladly pleasures you till you get the best of him, and your moans matter to him as they even turn him on.
If he respects your body and listens to your desires during lovemaking, you are sexually attractive to him in the most ideal way.
7. He flirts and sexts with you
This is one other sure sign that your husband finds you sexually arousing.
Flirting is mostly done when two people newly meet each other, and they are interested in each other.
However, it is also beneficial in the long run to keep the bond waxing stronger.
Yes, I’m sure flirting played a great role when he first met you.
If, even after the deal has been sealed, he still gets coquettish with you, then he sure still finds you appealing.
Also, if he sends you flirty texts when he is with you or while he is away, then you are as desirable to him as you were in the beginning.
My husband has a way of flirting with me during our Scrabble games sessions with the words he forms.
Gosh! I get distracted and lose my focus on winning every single time he does that.
No woman wouldn’t feel special with such treatment.
8. He has sexy photos of you on his phone
If your husband delights in keeping sexy pictures of you on his mobile phone, it’s also a great sign that he can’t have enough of you.
He wants to carry you everywhere he goes, even though he can’t always physically have you by his side.
9. He calls you freaky pet names
Pet names are also one of the ways to keep the bond intimate in a marriage.
If your man is creative with the names he calls you in a freaky manner, it’s also a good sign.
These names are usually meant for your ears alone and always get you helplessly blushing like a baby.
Last words
Sexual attraction in marriage may dwindle if deliberate care is not taken.
Both parties have to be intentional about staying attractive to each other.
It’s essential to do things within your means to remain attractive.
Irrespective of how tempted you may get to be complacent later in marriage, don’t stop doing what you were doing when you first met him.
Dress well, maintain good hygiene, master the art of body language, smile often, smell luscious, and know your way around the bedroom.
For all you want to be done to you, communicate them by doing them to him without necessarily asking for them.
You both owe each other this much.