9 Signs Your Husband Is Secretly Wishing For A Divorce

Divorces are usually sad and heart-wrenching. 

But it is even worse if the other party didn’t see it coming. 

I honestly cannot put the feeling of being blindsided into words. 

This is why couples must be vigilant to know when their spouse is acting out of character.  

Sometimes, the signs aren’t loud; they can be quiet, subtle, and easy to overlook, especially if the spouse wants to keep it secret until they file or hope their partner does the filing. 

If your husband is secretly wishing for a divorce, he’s not likely to come out and say it directly. 

Instead, he might give off subtle cues – little changes in behavior that, when it finally happens, might be harder to fix. 

That’s why you must know what to look for so you can catch on before things get worse. 

Let’s talk about some signs you should be paying attention to.

9 Signs Your Husband Is Secretly Wishing For A Divorce

1. He Slips Up In Words

8 Signs Your Husband Is Secretly Wishing for a Divorce

The good book says, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”

The truth is that no matter how much a man tries to hide that he’s secretly wishing for a divorce, if he is, he will likely slip up once in a while.

Before long, he will likely mention or imply the reason he wants a divorce.

For instance, if he wants a divorce because you are constantly fighting, he might say something like, “I am tired of fighting; this is why I want a break.”

Or if he wants to leave because he regrets the marriage, he may have emotional outbursts during fights in which he will say that he regrets marrying you or made a mistake marrying you.

Of course, since he is not yet ready to be blatant about his desire, he might tell you he didn’t mean it and even apologize.

But one thing I have learnt is that people hardly say what they don’t mean.

If they weren’t thinking about it, they wouldn’t have said it.

Our words reflect the state of our hearts.

2. He Avoids Discussing Future Plans Together

It is not only singles who speak about the future.

In fact, married couples speak more about the future because they are constantly making plans. 

It could be about holidays, anniversaries, or long-term goals like relocating, moving houses, or retiring together. 

There is always something to plan when you are married, so when your husband stops participating in these conversations or changes the subject when they come up, it might be because he’s unsure if he sees a future with you. 

If you are observant, you will notice that while he is still involved in present discussions like paying the electricity bills next month, taking your child to his dentist appointment, or paying the rent, when it comes to the future, he either stops discussing them or he is not as involved anymore. 

He might even indulge you in the discussion to satisfy you, but he often offers vague answers. 

This is because he doesn’t care what happens either way, and it shows that he has checked out of the marriage. 

3. He Stops Initiating Physical Affection Or Intimacy

8 Signs Your Husband Is Secretly Wishing for a Divorce

Some people are naturally unaffectionate – maybe due to their upbringing or personality.

If your husband has always been unaffectionate, this might not apply to him. 

But if he used to be touchy-feely and stops holding your hand, giving you random hugs or gentle kisses, it could be a sign he’s emotionally disconnected. 

Some good pretenders might still do all these, but you will notice that it feels forced; it’s not as natural as it used to be. 

But in many cases, they will likely stop initiating it and may simply get involved when you do because they know rejecting you might make you notice something is wrong. 

Also, some might go as far as rejecting sex or stop initiating or not committing to it as emotionally as they used to. 

The major thing is that you will notice that emotional connection is missing even when they are physically involved. 

He might still be kind and polite – especially if he naturally has a polite personality – but that warmth and desire will be missing.

4. He Constantly Reminisces About His Bachelor Days

Reminiscing about the past once in a while is not out of place. 

In fact, it’s expected to remember and even talk about some of the things you did when you were single, especially if you really lived or were an adventurous single. 

However, when you are happy about the present, recounting past events will mostly be with a sense of gratitude for what happened then and being content with where you are now.

The opposite will be the case if you are unhappy about the present.

So, a man who is not happy about his marriage and is secretly wishing for a divorce will prefer his bachelor days. 

As I said above, our words reflect the state of our hearts. 

So, even without intending to, he will speak glowingly about when he was a bachelor, and the wistful tone with which he will say it will be clear that he prefers that time of his life. 

It shows that he wants to go back to that time of his life when you were not there. 

5. He Starts Keeping Financial Details to Himself

8 Signs Your Husband Is Secretly Wishing for a Divorce

While not every couple operates a joint account, couples should be transparent about their finances and handle their financial issues together. 

However, I recognize that every home is dynamic, which might not be the case in your marriage. 

If not, then this probably doesn’t apply to you.

But if finances were something you used to handle together, but now he’s becoming more secretive about money, it’s likely a sign he’s planning for something big. 

After all, if he’s trying to put his life together without you, he will not want you to find out what he’s up to. 

For instance, seeing his financial statements will expose him if he rents a new home to move into when he leaves or plans to relocate to another city. 

So, he will start hiding things and doing shady things.  

He might open new bank accounts, change passwords, or act evasive when discussing money. 

Plus, divorce is expensive, and if he’s secretly preparing for it, one of the first things he’ll want control over is the financial aspect. 

If he suddenly becomes more protective of his pay slip, bank statements, or retirement plans, this could be a quiet step toward planning for separation.

6. His Models Are Divorced Men

I know I have used so many cliches in this post, but pardon me as I add one more—birds of a feather flock together.

People often flock around others of their kind.

When a man is happy in his home, he will likely be around other happily married men.

I mean, they have something in common – their love for their wives and children.

So, a man who is secretly wishing for divorce is likely not to have anything in common with these men.

Therefore, he will be drawn to divorced men and equally unhappy married men.

It is because he desires the freedom that he feels the former enjoy.

Similarly, he may find divorced mentors who inspire him online and start following them religiously.

That’s likely because he wants to be like them. 

7. He Avoids Conflict But Remains Passive-Aggressive

8 Signs Your Husband Is Secretly Wishing for a Divorce

Another sign a husband secretly wishes for a divorce is that he starts to avoid conflict. 

Trust me, conflicts can feel stressful, but most of the time, when someone bothers to fight with you, it is because they still care. 

Someone who has checked out will not see the need to fight you for anything. 

But instead of letting you be, they might become passive-aggressive. 

That’s because whatever is bothering them is there; it’s not like it disappears because he refuses to address them. 

However, since he doesn’t feel the need to confront you or he’s scared talking about it might expose his feelings, he will let them pile up in silence. 

And these things often have a way of coming out. 

If someone is not happy with you, no matter how they try to hide it, it shows. 

That’s why they become passive-aggressive; they are not addressing it directly, but it’s evident because of how they feel. 

It could even make you confused because your husband is not confronting you on anything, but the tension is palpable.

8. He Talks Bad About Marriage

People who are happy in their marriage don’t speak badly about marriage. 

This doesn’t mean they are out of touch with the reality that some people have unhappy homes. 

They know, but since that isn’t their reality, they are likely not to spit on marriage and claim that all marriages are bad. 

However, a man wishing to divorce his wife will constantly speak about marriages or women. 

When marriage issues come up on social media, he will likely not have any gracious words to say about them. 

His feelings are slipping out even when he tries to hide it. 

He is simply speaking out of the abundance of his heart.  

9. He Secretly Researches Divorce Proceedings

9 Signs Your Husband Is Secretly Wishing For A Divorce

Another sign your husband might secretly wish for a divorce is if he is making inquiries and researching the topic.

Ideally, we don’t research things we are not interested in. 

So, if you stumble upon him researching it, find it in his search history, or hear him asking questions about it, it’s likely he is making preparations.

The bottom line is that when a husband secretly wishes to divorce his wife, he will not come out openly to show her anything is wrong.

But since he is her husband, she is likely to notice something is wrong anyway because there’s no way someone is wishing for a divorce without slipping up. 

So, although these signs might be subtle, they are likely discernible.

When you investigate based on this point and find it to be true that your husband is secretly wishing for a divorce, don’t just throw in the towel; there might still be hope. 

After all, your husband did not wake up one morning to wish for a divorce; things must have accumulated to that point. 

Also, since it’s still a secret wish, you may be able to redeem your home by seeking help from a professional counselor. 

This way, you can both have the opportunity to talk about your issues and, hopefully, resolve them.

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